Why us

We are 100% Independent. We are answerable to no one, and free to do the right thing. 

We are humbly confident. Combined decades of national and international experience,
allows us to provide our clients with sector leading independent advice and support. 

We offer value. As an independent agency based outside London, we provide our clients with excellent value for money. 

We do the right thing. We pride ourselves on providing honest, impartial advice and guidance. We check and challenge, and at times are a critical friend – but we always say what we believe is right for our clients. 

We help first. No two clients or projects are the same. We understand and recognise that each client requires a bespoke approach and tailored solution.

We work in partnership with our clients to become an extension of their team. 

Our services


Sponsorship Strategy & Consultancy

We work with brand clients, advising them on all aspects of their sponsorship approach, whether that be helping them find a new sponsorship property which meets their marketing needs or maximising the efficiency of an existing partnership, through measurement or activation.

Rights Negotiation

Our independence means we can offer honest, impartial guidance. This, along with our insight-led approach means we negotiate to get the right assets and associated resources to meet our clients business objectives.

Partnership Management & Activation

We provide end-to-end management of your partnership activation, including planning sponsorship marketing activities, hospitality, event management, experiential, PR and any production requirements you may have to ensure the sponsorship is impactful.

Rights Holders & Sponsor Seekers

Sponsorship Strategy & Consultancy

We work with rights holder clients to help plan, position and develop a progressive approach to meaningful, mutually beneficial partnerships which deliver sustainable, long-term revenue to their businesses.

Sponsorship Sales

Adopting a strategic approach, our experienced sales team work with clients to develop well-rounded and relevant sponsorship propositions and impactful sales collateral to secure sponsorship and brand partnership agreements.

Partnership Management & Activation

Our experienced activation team act as an extension of the client’s team, managing partner requirements and working to ensure all assets and activations are delivered to meet an agreed calendar.

Sponsorship Toolkits

A suite of materials and interactive workshops developed to help you build an engaging and professional sponsorship programme.


For us, sustainability has never been a trend, it’s simply ingrained in everything we do. We’re always conscious of the environment, the communities, and the wellbeing of the people around us. We’re working with Coed Hills Rural Artspace – a local eco-friendly sustainable community ­– to plant a tree for every job we complete for our clients. So, when we help you, you’ll be helping the planet. We’re pledging to plant at least 200 trees a year.

This year, our chosen charity partner is Size of Wales, who help to provide support and expertise to local and indigenous communities in tropical regions.

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Photo of small tree sapling on some green moss


Photo of Susie Jane

Susie Jane
Sponsorship Sales Manager

Photo of Kerry McDonald

Kerry McDonald
Managing Partner

Photo of Emma Wordley

Emma Wordley

Photo of Caroline Cunningham

Caroline Cunningham

Photo of Tom Baynton-Williams

Tom Baynton-Williams
Head of Strategy

Photo of Susie Jane

Susie Jane
Sponsorship Sales Manager

Photo of Kerry McDonald

Kerry McDonald
Managing Partner

Photo of Emma Wordley

Emma Wordley

Photo of Caroline Cunningham

Caroline Cunningham

Photo of Tom Baynton-Williams

Tom Baynton-Williams
Head of Strategy

We are always happy to meet new people

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